Wasps, Social and Solitary

George W. Peckham E. G. Peckham

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Beschreibung zu „Wasps, Social and Solitary“

Spanning the intricate world of wasps, 'Wasps, Social and Solitary' offers a deep dive into the nuanced behaviors and societal structures of one of nature's most fascinating insects. This collection, rich in scientific exploration and detailed observation, provides readers with a comprehensive look into the lives of both communal and solitary wasps, showcasing the diversity within these species. Through varied methodologies, including case studies and anecdotal evidence, the anthology encapsulates the significance of wasps in broader ecological systems and their surprising impact on human understanding of social structures. The works stand out for their thorough research and accessible presentation, making complex scientific principles understandable to a broader audience. The contributing authors, E. G. Peckham and George W. Peckham, are renowned for their pioneering work in ethology, particularly within the realm of entomology. Their collective expertise brings a remarkable depth to the anthology, grounding it in decades of field study and theoretical analysis. The Peckhams' contributions to the study of wasps align with broader historical and cultural movements towards understanding animal behavior, marking this collection as a significant contribution to both scientific knowledge and interdisciplinary studies linking biology with sociology. 'Readers with an interest in nature, biology, and the complex interactions within animal societies will find 'Wasps, Social and Solitary' an invaluable resource. This anthology not only educates but captivates, inviting an exploration into the sophisticated world of wasps through a fusion of scientific rigor and engaging narrative. It offers a unique window into the lives of these insects, providing lasting insights into the dynamics of their social and solitary existences. This collection is a testament to the power of interdisciplinary research and is a must-read for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of the natural world.


Good Press




ca. 189





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