Omphalos: An Attempt to Untie the Geological Knot

Philip Henry Gosse

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Beschreibung zu „Omphalos: An Attempt to Untie the Geological Knot“

In Philip Henry Gosse's 'Omphalos: An Attempt to Untie the Geological Knot', the author delves into the contentious debate between science and religion through a unique lens. Using a literary style that blends scientific inquiry with theological musings, Gosse explores the concept of a young Earth theory alongside geological evidence, aiming to reconcile the discrepancy between biblical chronology and fossil records. This book, published in 1857, sparked controversy for its bold attempt to harmonize faith and scientific findings within the context of creationism. Gosse's meticulous research and thought-provoking arguments make 'Omphalos' a compelling read for those interested in the intersection of religion and science in the 19th century. As a respected naturalist and devout Christian, Gosse's personal experiences and struggles with reconciling his beliefs with scientific discoveries likely influenced his motivation in writing this groundbreaking work. I highly recommend 'Omphalos' to readers seeking a thought-provoking exploration of the creation debate from a historical perspective.


Good Press




ca. 223





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