Arius the Libyan

A Romance of the Primitive Church

Nathan C. Kouns

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Beschreibung zu „Arius the Libyan“

In his work 'Arius the Libyan,' Nathan C. Kouns delves into the tumultuous life of the titular character, a fourth-century priest who sparked one of the most significant theological controversies in early Christianity. The book explores the rise of Arianism through a carefully researched and engaging narrative that plunges the reader into the complexities of religious debate and political intrigue. Written in a clear and concise style, Kouns skillfully weaves together historical facts and fictional elements to bring Arius and his followers to life. The literary context of the book is rooted in theological discourse and historical fiction, making it a valuable resource for scholars and enthusiasts alike. Kouns provides a thought-provoking exploration of the theological debates that shaped early Christianity, shedding light on the complexities of religious belief and political power struggles of the time.


Good Press




ca. 299





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