Tom Clark and His Wife

Their Double Dreams, And the Curious Things that Befell Them Therein; Being the Rosicrucian's Story

Paschal Beverly Randolph

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Beschreibung zu „Tom Clark and His Wife“

In Paschal Beverly Randolph's novel 'Tom Clark and His Wife', the reader is transported to a captivating tale of love, betrayal, and redemption set in 19th century America. The book is a blend of romanticism and realism, with vivid descriptions of the characters and their struggles against societal norms. Randolph's use of language is both poetic and thought-provoking, making the reader ponder the complexities of relationships and human nature during this time period. The novel delves deep into the human psyche and challenges the reader to question their own beliefs and values. This book is a must-read for those interested in exploring the intersection of literature and psychology in historical fiction.


Good Press




ca. 116





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