Black Bass

Where to catch them in quantity within an hour's ride from New York

Charles Barker Bradford

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Beschreibung zu „Black Bass“

In "Black Bass" by Charles Barker Bradford, the reader is taken on an exploration of the deep South through the eyes of the protagonist, a young African American man navigating the complexities of racism and societal expectations. Bradford's writing style is gripping and poignant, capturing the harsh realities faced by black individuals during the post-Civil War era. The book delves into themes of identity, freedom, and the struggle for equality, making it a significant piece of African American literature. Set against the backdrop of segregation and discrimination, "Black Bass" stands as a testament to the resilience and strength of the human spirit. Charles Barker Bradford's intimate and insightful portrayal of the protagonist's journey reflects his own personal experiences and observations of the racial injustices prevalent in society. His deep understanding of the human condition shines through in his writing, making "Black Bass" a powerful and thought-provoking read for anyone interested in African American history and literature.


Good Press




ca. 17





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