Section Cutting and Staining

A practical introduction to histological methods for students and practitioners

Walter S. Colman

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Beschreibung zu „Section Cutting and Staining“

In Walter S. Colman's book 'Section Cutting and Staining', readers are taken on an informative journey through the methods and techniques of biological specimen preparation for microscopic analysis. The book focuses on the importance of proper section cutting and staining in accurately studying cellular structures, offering detailed instructions and insights. Colman's writing style is clear and concise, making complex scientific processes easy to understand for readers. This book is a valuable resource for students and professionals in the field of biology, providing a comprehensive guide to mastering essential laboratory skills in research and study. The book also touches upon the historical significance of specimen preparation in the development of biological sciences, placing the content within a broader literary context of scientific discovery and innovation. Overall, 'Section Cutting and Staining' stands as a vital source of knowledge for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of microscopy and biological research.


Good Press




ca. 79





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