Italian Summer - Episode 2

A romantic gay summer holiday

Nathaniel Feldmann

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Beschreibung zu „Italian Summer - Episode 2“

Art history student Eddie's adventures in Italy continue in the second installment of this holiday romance. His sexy former thesis advisor Luc continues as his guide on this revelatory trip to Florence. In the galleries, Eddie finds a reflection of himself, and seeks guidance on his path.
He is struck by a notion of impermanence, a feeling of longing to hold these moments, this man, forever. As they tour the city's great works of art, Luc continues his study of the statues.
Standing before the David, admiring the famous statue's magnificence, Eddie has a revelation - the one that Luc seemingly brought him here to have.
Trouble is brewing with their moody holiday companions, but the pair frolic in the pool regardless, and over phenomenal food, wine and scenery, all is right by the time dessert is served.


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