Trophy Wives Club - Part 3

Can love survive where the money resides?

Elouise Edron

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Beschreibung zu „Trophy Wives Club - Part 3“

Third times a charm, right? Sasha's struggle of emotional upheaval continues when an unexpected episode of sexual prowess forces its way into her life, twisting her betrayal to new levels. Caleb might have had his way with her at the height of her vulnerability, but that doesn't mean that she is no longer the one holding the reins. In fact, she is so overcome by the power proceeding from her pussy, she can't help but find her way back on top of this sultry situation.

In the third installation of "Trophy Wives Club", Sasha seriously considers where her sex life is taking her and how playing with fire could very well leave her burned. As she fights her piling emotions and excuses, one thing becomes clear: A final chapter is needed to decipher who will win the medal in a battle of love and lust.

"Trophy Wives Club" is a twisted story of a hushed and horny housewife caught between the torment of staying true and the torture of letting her libido alight with the man she can't seem to forget, beautifully written by Elouise Edron.


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