Enemies of Mercia (Unabridged)

MJ Porter

Hörbuch Romane Abenteuer & Western

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Beschreibung zu „Enemies of Mercia (Unabridged)“

A King's command. A warrior's quest for the truth...Tamworth AD835Following Icel's epic rescue of Lord Coenwulf's children from their almost certain death, King Wiglaf is forced to call upon Icel's loyal services once more.Furious that the conspirators behind the audacious move to snatch the children have yet to face justice, he despatches Icel to hunt down the enemy of Mercia and discover who seeks to conspire against the throne.The dangerous mission will take Icel into the heartland of enemy-held Wessex to Winchester and onto Canterbury. As the web of lies and deceit grows, Icel must battle to discover the truth whilst keeping himself and his allies safe.But those who conspire against the King have much to lose and will stop at nothing to prevent Icel discovering the truth.
Once more, Icel's life is endangered as he tries to protect Mercia from her enemies who threaten Mercia's kingly line.

Gelesen von:

Seán Barrett


Boldwood Books




9 Std. 37 Min.





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