My Knitting Book

Miss Lambert

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Beschreibung zu „My Knitting Book“

In "My Knitting Book" by Miss Lambert, readers are introduced to an extensive guide on the art of knitting, complete with detailed instructions, patterns, and techniques. The book's literary style is informative and practical, offering step-by-step guidance to both beginners and experienced knitters. Lambert's work is a significant contribution to the domestic arts genre of the 19th century, showcasing the importance of this handicraft in Victorian society. The book not only serves as a practical manual but also as a reflection of the cultural significance of knitting during this period. Miss Lambert's attention to detail and clear explanations make this book a valuable resource for anyone interested in the history and practice of knitting. With beautiful illustrations and insightful tips, readers will find themselves immersed in the world of knitting, learning from one of the leading authorities on the subject. "My Knitting Book" is a must-read for knitting enthusiasts and historians alike, offering a unique perspective on a timeless craft.


Good Press




ca. 40





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