Exercises in Knitting

Cornelia Mee

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Beschreibung zu „Exercises in Knitting“

Cornelia Mee's 'Exercises in Knitting' is a comprehensive guide to the art of knitting, filled with intricate patterns, detailed instructions, and insightful tips for both novice and experienced knitters. Mee's literary style is clear and concise, making this manual easy to follow and understand. The book covers a wide range of knitting techniques, from basic stitches to complex designs, making it a valuable resource for anyone interested in honing their knitting skills. 'Exercises in Knitting' is a timeless classic in the world of crafting literature, offering a wealth of knowledge and inspiration for knitters of all levels. Cornelia Mee, a renowned knitting expert, brings a wealth of experience and expertise to 'Exercises in Knitting.' As a passionate advocate for the art of knitting, Mee has dedicated her career to sharing her love for this traditional craft with others. Her attention to detail and commitment to preserving knitting traditions are evident throughout this book. I highly recommend 'Exercises in Knitting' to anyone looking to enhance their knitting abilities or explore new creative projects. This book is a must-have for any knitting enthusiast seeking to expand their skills and repertoire.


Good Press




ca. 51





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