Mistrust, or Blanche and Osbright

Matthew Gregory Lewis

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Beschreibung zu „Mistrust, or Blanche and Osbright“

Matthew Gregory Lewis' novel, 'Mistrust, or Blanche and Osbright', is a Gothic sensation that delves into themes of deception, betrayal, and the supernatural. Written in the late 18th century, this work showcases Lewis' talent for creating a dark and gripping narrative filled with twists and turns. The atmospheric settings and eerie encounters with otherworldly beings add to the suspense of the story, making it a captivating read for fans of Gothic literature. The novel's intricate plot and vivid descriptions draw readers into a world where nothing is as it seems, keeping them on the edge of their seats until the very end. Lewis' use of language and dramatic storytelling make 'Mistrust, or Blanche and Osbright' a standout work in the Gothic genre, showcasing his ability to create a truly haunting and memorable tale. Recommended for those who enjoy the works of Ann Radcliffe and Horace Walpole, this novel is sure to thrill and intrigue readers with its blend of mystery and the supernatural.


Good Press




ca. 110





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