The Century Cook Book

Mary Ronald

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Beschreibung zu „The Century Cook Book“

Mary Ronald's 'The Century Cook Book' is a comprehensive guide to cooking in the early 20th century, offering a glimpse into the culinary practices and preferences of that era. Written in a clear and detailed style, the book provides recipes for a wide range of dishes, reflecting the societal norms and tastes of the time. The inclusion of practical tips and techniques makes it a valuable resource for both experienced and novice cooks. Ronald's attention to detail and emphasis on traditional cooking methods make this book a must-read for those interested in culinary history. As a pioneering female author in the field of domestic science, Ronald's work serves as a testament to her expertise and dedication to the art of cooking. Her background in home economics and her passion for preserving traditional recipes are evident throughout the book. 'The Century Cook Book' is a timeless classic that will transport readers back in time and inspire them to try their hand at recreating dishes from the past.


Good Press




ca. 572





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