
Mary Baker Eddy

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Beschreibung zu „Poems“

Mary Baker Eddy's 'Poems' is a collection of spiritually inspired poems that reflect the author's deep faith and beliefs. Written in a time of personal turmoil and introspection, these poems serve as a testament to Eddy's dedication to Christian Science and her desire to spread its teachings through poetry. The poems are characterized by their simplicity and clarity, with each verse offering a profound insight into the nature of existence and the power of spirituality. Eddy's literary style is both contemplative and fervent, making this collection a unique and thought-provoking read in the context of 19th-century religious literature. Mary Baker Eddy, the founder of Christian Science, drew on her own experiences and spiritual journey to write 'Poems'. Her deep connection to her faith and her desire to share its message with others are evident in the poems, which are imbued with a sense of peace and wisdom. Eddy's background as a spiritual leader and thinker provides valuable context to the poems and sheds light on her creative process. I highly recommend 'Poems' to readers interested in exploring the intersection of spirituality and literature. Mary Baker Eddy's profound insights and poetic mastery make this collection a literary gem that is sure to inspire and uplift.


Good Press




ca. 29





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