Welcome to Japan, Ms. Elf! (Manga) Vol 8

Makishima Suzuki


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Beschreibung zu „Welcome to Japan, Ms. Elf! (Manga) Vol 8“

As casualties mount in the labyrinth, pressure comes down from above to suspend the explorations. The enemies that lurk within each floor, however, may not be the only thing Kazuhiro has to worry about in the dream world…
Between ominous new monsters and soul-stealing reapers, Kazuhiro was looking forward to diving back into the thick of things—but first, he and Marie must attend a banquet! The other teams they meet there prove to be quite a handful. Still, at least the two can take a relaxing break with Arkdragon back in Japan.
While Marie and Kazuhiro grew quite close during their trip to Aomori, an invitation to join forces with another duo might bring them even closer. Especially since Doula’s the one asking, and she won’t take “no” for an answer! This adventure is bound to be a lot less peaceful than their time in Aomori!


J-Novel Club







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