Welcome to Japan, Ms. Elf! (Manga) Vol 6

Makishima Suzuki


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Beschreibung zu „Welcome to Japan, Ms. Elf! (Manga) Vol 6“

Kazuhiro Kitase has been enjoying his time in both the dream world and Japan with the lovely Ms. Elf, and now they’ve added another member to the party: the arkdragon Wridra, their new tank! With a full loadout, they head to the Sorcerer's Guild in Alexei to prove their strength and get permission to challenge the ancient labyrinth.
Shockingly enough, permission is swiftly granted and they head back to Arilai. Wridra has decided she can’t allow Kazuhiho to be weak if he’s to wield her sword, so she puts him through grueling training. And just when he’s finally getting a much needed break, they get an urgent distress call from another party! Will they be able to help, and what exactly are they up against?!


J-Novel Club







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