Licht auf den Pfad

Mabel Collins


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Beschreibung zu „Licht auf den Pfad“

Dieser Klassiker der theosophischen Literatur zählt mit zum Wertvollsten, was das spirituelle Schrifttum der letzten einhundertfünfzig Jahre hervorgebracht hat. Seine Entstehung verdankt es einem jener großen „Meister“, die hinter dem Schleier der Zeit über der Entwicklung der Menschheit wachen.
Eines der ganz besonderen Juwele der esoterischen Tradition, das unverkennbar von der Inspiration der „Meister der Weisheit“ geprägt ist!

Über Mabel Collins

Elliott O'Donnell was an Irish author known primarily for his books about ghosts. He claimed decent from Irish chieftains of ancient times, including Niall of the Nine Hostages (the King Arthur of Irish folklore) and Red Hugh, who fought the English in the sixteenth century. O'Donnell was educated at Clifton College, England, and Queen's Service Academy, Dublin, Ireland. As he became known as an authority on the supernatural, he was called upon as a ghost hunter. He also lectured and broadcast, via radio and television, on the paranormal in Britain and the United States. In addition to his more than 50 books, he wrote scores of articles and stories for national newspapers and magazines. O'Donnell claimed, "I have investigated, sometimes alone, and sometimes with other people and the press, many cases of reputed hauntings. I believe in ghosts but am not a spiritualist."

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