The Ebbing Of The Tide

South Sea Stories - 1896

Louis Becke

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Beschreibung zu „The Ebbing Of The Tide“

Louis Becke's novel, The Ebbing Of The Tide, offers a vivid portrayal of life in the Pacific Islands during the colonial period, highlighting the clash of Western and indigenous cultures. Becke's writing style combines vivid descriptions with a keen eye for human emotions, creating a compelling narrative filled with adventure and drama. The book stands out for its exploration of themes such as imperialism, cultural identity, and the impact of colonization on native populations. Becke's prose is both engaging and thought-provoking, making this novel a must-read for those interested in the complexities of colonial history in the Pacific region. The Ebbing Of The Tide is a captivating work that sheds light on the cultural intersections and power dynamics that shaped the Pacific Islands in the late 19th century. Louis Becke's own experiences as a trader and adventurer in the Pacific undoubtedly influenced his writing, lending authenticity and depth to the narrative. Readers looking for a compelling story that delves into the complexities of colonialism will find The Ebbing Of The Tide a rewarding and enlightening read.


Good Press




ca. 183





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