Old Samoan Days

Louis Becke

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Beschreibung zu „Old Samoan Days“

In 'Old Samoan Days' by Louis Becke, the reader is transported to the South Pacific, exploring the lives of European settlers and indigenous islanders. Becke's prose is known for its vivid descriptions that immerse the reader in the exotic landscape and culture of Samoa. Through his storytelling, Becke captures the tension between the two worlds colliding in the Pacific, offering a unique perspective on colonialism and cultural clashes in the late 19th century. His use of dialogue and narrative structure adds depth to the characters and their interactions, making this a captivating read for those interested in Pacific literature and historical fiction. Louis Becke's writing style reflects his own experiences as a trader in the Pacific Islands, providing authentic insights into the realities of life in Samoa during this time period. His background adds a layer of authenticity to the stories he shares, making 'Old Samoan Days' a valuable contribution to literature on the South Pacific. I highly recommend this book to readers who enjoy immersive historical fiction and are curious about the complexities of colonial encounters in the Pacific.


Good Press




ca. 23





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