The Colleen Bawn; or, the Brides of Garryowen

Dion Boucicault Gerald Griffin

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Beschreibung zu „The Colleen Bawn; or, the Brides of Garryowen“

At the crossroads of historical drama and burgeoning Irish nationalism, 'The Colleen Bawn; or, the Brides of Garryowen' presents a captivating anthology that showcases the literary finesse of Dion Boucicault and Gerald Griffin. This collection, centered around the titular play and supported by selections of Griffin's work, navigates the complexities of Irish identity, social disparity, and love's turbulent trials. The array of literary stylesranging from the melodramatic to the poignantly realisticserves to underline the rich cultural tapestry of Ireland during a period of significant transition. As such, the collection stands as a testament to the versatility and depth of Irish literature, offering readers standout pieces that illuminate the interplay between cultural heritage and literary expression. In bringing together the works of Boucicault, a playwright known for his contributions to the melodramatic tradition, and Griffin, a writer whose narratives delve deeply into the Irish psyche, the anthology reflects a crucial era in Irish literary and social history. These authors collectively capture the zeitgeist of 19th-century Ireland, a time characterized by a fervent struggle for national identity and a deep-rooted connection to the land and its folklore. Their works, enriched by the backdrop of their own diverse experiences and literary ambitions, converge in a discourse that is both uniquely Irish and universally resonant. 'The Colleen Bawn; or, the Brides of Garryowen' is an essential read for anyone keen on exploring the dual landscapes of Irelands geography and its narrative traditions. As this anthology bridges the gap between historical context and literary innovation, it invites readers into a dialogue that not only entertains but also educates. Scholars, students, and casual readers alike will find in this collection a remarkable opportunity to immerse themselves in the multi-layered world of Irish literature, where each piece serves as a window into the nation's soul. This anthology, thus, is not merely a literary excursion but an invitation to witness the enduring power of storytelling in shaping cultural identity.


Good Press




ca. 63





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