The life and times of the Rev. Samuel Wesley

Rector of Epworth and father of the Revs. John and Charles Wesley, the founders of the Methodists

L. Tyerman

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Beschreibung zu „The life and times of the Rev. Samuel Wesley“

In 'The Life and Times of the Rev. Samuel Wesley' by L. Tyerman, the reader is taken on a journey through the biographical account of one of the most influential figures in English religious history. Tyerman meticulously details the life of the Rev. Samuel Wesley, providing insights into his personal struggles, theological beliefs, and impact on society. The book is written in a scholarly yet engaging style, making it accessible to both academics and general readers interested in religious studies and English history. Tyerman's attention to historical context and literary style adds depth to the narrative, shedding light on the complexities of the Wesley family and their contributions to the Methodist movement. Through a combination of primary sources and modern interpretations, the book paints a vivid picture of an often overlooked figure in religious history. Readers will come away with a newfound appreciation for the Rev. Samuel Wesley's lasting legacy and the significance of his work in shaping religious practices in England.


Good Press




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