Fletcher of Madeley

Frederic W. Macdonald

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Beschreibung zu „Fletcher of Madeley“

In 'Fletcher of Madeley', Frederic W. Macdonald explores the life and work of John William Fletcher, a prominent figure in the 18th century Methodist movement. The book delves into Fletcher's role in shaping Methodism, his strong theological convictions, and his influence on John Wesley. Macdonalds writing style is scholarly and meticulously researched, providing a comprehensive examination of Fletcher's life within the literary context of religious biographies of the time. This book is a valuable resource for those interested in the history of Methodism and the intellectual pursuits of religious leaders in the 18th century. Macdonalds attention to detail and clear prose make 'Fletcher of Madeley' an engaging read for both scholars and general readers interested in religious history. Frederic W. Macdonalds expertise in religious studies and his dedication to exploring the life of John Fletcher make this book a must-read for anyone interested in the evolution of Methodism and the larger context of 18th century religious thought.


Good Press




ca. 150





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