Speeches of His Majesty Kamehameha IV. To the Hawaiian Legislature

King of the Hawaiian Islands Kamehameha IV

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Beschreibung zu „Speeches of His Majesty Kamehameha IV. To the Hawaiian Legislature“

King of the Hawaiian Islands Kamehameha IV's book, Speeches of His Majesty Kamehameha IV. To the Hawaiian Legislature, offers a unique insight into the political landscape of Hawaii during the mid-19th century. The speeches showcase the King's eloquence and strategic thinking as he navigates complex issues such as education, healthcare, and foreign relations. Written in a formal and diplomatic tone, the book provides a glimpse into the literary style of Hawaiian royalty and their approach to governance. Kamehameha IV's speeches reflect a blend of traditional Hawaiian values and Western ideologies, highlighting the cultural nuances of the time period. The book serves as a valuable historical resource for scholars and enthusiasts interested in Hawaiian history and political discourse. Kamehameha IV's commitment to his people and his vision for a modern Hawaiian nation shine through in his speeches, making this book a compelling read for those fascinated by the intersection of culture and politics in the Hawaiian Islands.


Good Press




ca. 57





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