Vienna Convention on Consular Relations

United Nations

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Beschreibung zu „Vienna Convention on Consular Relations“

The 'Vienna Convention on Consular Relations' is a seminal text that outlines the legal framework governing consular relations between states. Written by the United Nations, this treaty addresses the privileges and immunities of consular officers, as well as the duties and rights of consular posts. The book is a critical resource for diplomats, legal scholars, and government officials, providing insight into the complexities of international diplomacy and the importance of consular relations in maintaining peace and cooperation between nations. The text is written in a clear and concise style, making it accessible to readers of all backgrounds interested in international law and diplomacy. The Vienna Convention serves as a cornerstone in modern diplomatic practice, shaping the way countries interact with one another and ensuring the protection of individuals abroad. Its impact extends far beyond its initial drafting, influencing the development of international relations for decades to come. As a foundational text in the field of international law, the 'Vienna Convention on Consular Relations' is essential reading for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of diplomatic practices and the role of consular officers in global affairs.


Good Press




ca. 32





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