Seeing Without Eyes

Unfold intuition & perception in your everyday life

Katharina Friedrich

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Beschreibung zu „Seeing Without Eyes“

You can see with and without your eyes!

Our brain is a wonderful organ - sensitive, creative and flexible. There is still much to discover in it and with it.

Most people take seeing with their eyes for granted. Imagine you could see without your eyes. This becomes possible when you learn to perceive your inner ray of vision again. In this process, the information is received directly in the brain without the eye sensory organ, and then processed further.

With this knowledge and these abilities, you can navigate your everyday life with ease and joy, guided by your inner compass - your intuition. You enrich and focus your perception at the same time.

In this book, author and researcher Dr. oec. Katharina Friedrich describes her training experiences and the background to the 'Seeing Without Eyes' method. You can read reports of experiences with blind people and children, as well as share in the experiences of course participants.

The author broadens the horizon of science. You can picture it.


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