Clinical Investigations on Squint

C. Schweigger Gustavus Hartridge

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Beschreibung zu „Clinical Investigations on Squint“

In 'Clinical Investigations on Squint' by C. Schweigger, readers are provided with a comprehensive examination of the medical condition of squint, also known as strabismus. Written in a clear and informative style, the book delves into the clinical aspects of squint, detailing the symptoms, causes, and potential treatments of this visual disorder. Schweigger's work is a significant contribution to the field of ophthalmology, offering valuable insights into the management of squint and the impact it can have on the patient's quality of life. The author's meticulous research and attention to detail make this book a must-read for medical professionals and students interested in eye disorders. C. Schweigger, a renowned ophthalmologist with years of experience in treating patients with squint, brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to 'Clinical Investigations on Squint'. Schweigger's passion for understanding and improving the lives of individuals affected by this condition is evident throughout the book, making it a valuable resource for anyone interested in ophthalmology and vision health. I highly recommend 'Clinical Investigations on Squint' to medical professionals, students, and individuals seeking a deeper understanding of squint and its clinical implications. Schweigger's authoritative voice and thorough exploration of the topic make this book an essential addition to any medical library.


Good Press




ca. 160





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