Violins and Violin Makers

Biographical Dictionary of the Great Italian Artistes, their Followers and Imitators, to the present time. With Essays on Important Subjects Connected with the Violin

Joseph Pearce

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Beschreibung zu „Violins and Violin Makers“

In 'Violins and Violin Makers' by Joseph Pearce, readers are immersed into the fascinating world of violin craftsmanship and the history behind the iconic instrument. Pearce's detailed descriptions of the intricate process of making a violin are presented in a lyrical and engaging style, drawing readers into the artistry and precision required to create such a delicate yet powerful instrument. The book also delves into the historical context of violin making, exploring the evolution of techniques and the influence of famous violin makers throughout the centuries. Pearce's meticulous research and passion for the subject shine through in every page, making this book a must-read for any music enthusiast or lover of fine craftsmanship. 'Violins and Violin Makers' is a masterfully written tribute to the art of violin making, combining historical insight with a deep appreciation for the skill and dedication of those who craft these beautiful instruments.

Über Joseph Pearce

Joseph Pearce (Londres, 1961), escritor inglés que desde 2005 es Escritor Residente y Profesor de Literatura en la Universidad Ave Maria en Naples (Florida). Anteriormente ocupaba un cargo similar en el Ave Maria College en Ypsilanti (Michigan). Se convirtió al catolicismo en 1989, lo cual le influye decisivamente a la hora de escribir sus obras desde una perspectiva católica. Es también co-editor de The Saint Austin Review y editor de Sapientia press. Es conocido por escribir un gran número de biografías de literatos como Tolkien, Lewis, Chesterton o Wilde. Entre sus obras destacan: Shakespeare: una investigación de Joseph Pearce,Oscar Wilde, La verdad sin máscaras, Tolkien: hombre y mito o G. K. Chesterton: sabiduría e inocencia.


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