Biographical Memoir of William M. Goodrich, Organ-builder

William M. Goodrich

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Beschreibung zu „Biographical Memoir of William M. Goodrich, Organ-builder“

In 'Biographical Memoir of William M. Goodrich, Organ-builder', the author delves into the life and work of William M. Goodrich, a prominent figure in the field of organ-building during the 19th century. The book is written in a scholarly and detailed manner, providing insights into Goodrich's innovative techniques and significant contributions to the industry. Goodrich's legacy is explored within the literary context of biographical memoirs, offering a unique perspective on his impact on the music world. William M. Goodrich, the author of this memoir, was himself an accomplished organ-builder, which lends credibility and authority to his portrayal of Goodrich's life and work. As an expert in the field, Goodrich's firsthand knowledge and experience shine through in his writing, making this memoir a valuable resource for scholars and enthusiasts alike. I highly recommend 'Biographical Memoir of William M. Goodrich, Organ-builder' to anyone interested in the history of organ-building, music, or biographical studies. Goodrich's meticulous research and engaging narrative style make this book a captivating read for those looking to delve into the life of a pioneering figure in the world of organs.


Good Press




ca. 33





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