Paradisi in Sole Paradisus Terrestris

A garden of all sorts of pleasant flowers

John Parkinson

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Beschreibung zu „Paradisi in Sole Paradisus Terrestris“

In 'Paradisi in Sole Paradisus Terrestris' by John Parkinson, readers are treated to a remarkable mix of botanical knowledge and poetic prose. This 17th-century work serves as a comprehensive herbal, detailing the properties, uses, and cultivation methods of various plants. Parkinson's writing style is both informative and evocative, painting vivid pictures of the natural world while providing valuable insights into the medicinal and culinary uses of each plant. This work is a cornerstone in the history of botanical literature, showcasing the author's expertise and passion for horticulture. Its detailed descriptions and meticulous categorizations set it apart as a valuable resource for botanists and historians alike. Through his work, Parkinson invites readers to explore the beauty and utility of the plant kingdom, embodying the spirit of scientific inquiry and appreciation for nature. 'Paradisi in Sole Paradisus Terrestris' is a must-read for anyone interested in the intersection of science, literature, and the natural world.


Good Press




ca. 984





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