The Woodlands Orchids, Described and Illustrated

With Stories of Orchid-Collecting

Frederick Boyle

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Beschreibung zu „The Woodlands Orchids, Described and Illustrated“

In 'The Woodlands Orchids, Described and Illustrated' by Frederick Boyle, readers are transported into the intricate world of diverse orchid species found in woodlands. Boyle uses a meticulous approach in his description and illustrations, capturing the essence of these beautiful flowers in their natural habitat. The book not only serves as a botanical guide but also as a visual delight for nature enthusiasts. Boyle's literary style is precise and informative, making the book an essential reference for botanists and hobbyists alike. Published in the late 19th century, the book reflects the Victorian fascination with exotic flora and the rise of botanical exploration during that era. Boyle's dedication to documenting orchids highlights his passion for the subject and his commitment to sharing knowledge with a wider audience. 'The Woodlands Orchids' stands as a timeless work showcasing the beauty and diversity of woodland orchids, making it a must-read for anyone interested in botanical studies or natural history.


Good Press




ca. 211





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