The Forsyte Saga

John Galsworthy

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Beschreibung zu „The Forsyte Saga“

"The Forsyte Saga" was the title originally destined for that part of it which is called "The Man of Property"; and to adopt it for the collected chronicles of the Forsyte family has indulged the Forsytean tenacity that is in all of us. The word Saga might be objected to on the ground that it connotes the heroic and that there is little heroism in these pages. But it is used with a suitable irony; and, after all, this long tale, though it may deal with folk in frock coats, furbelows, and a gilt-edged period, is not devoid of the essential heat of conflict. Discounting for the gigantic stature and blood-thirstiness of old days, as they have come down to us in fairy-tale and legend, the folk of the old Sagas were Forsytes, assuredly, in their possessive instincts, and as little proof against the inroads of beauty and passion as Swithin, Soames, or even Young Jolyon. And if heroic figures, in days that never were, seem to startle out from their surroundings in fashion unbecoming to a Forsyte of the Victorian era, we may be sure that tribal instinct was even then the prime force, and that "family"and the sense of home and property counted as they do to this day, for all the recent efforts to "talk them out."

Über John Galsworthy

John Galsworthy was born in 1867. An early encounter with Joseph Conrad helped inspire him to write, and he went on to emerge as one of the most widely read novelists of his day, a reputation standing the test of time. He was elected the first president of International PEN, the association of writers, in 1912. He is best remembered for his trilogy The Forsyte Saga, which clinched his award of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1932. He died in 1933, aged 65.


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