Return to Crows Creek

John E Vale

Abenteuer & Western

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Beschreibung zu „Return to Crows Creek“

Return to Crows Creek is the second in the series following the adventures of Englishman Marshal Daniel Wheetman, who has been given over to President Hayes by Queen Victoria in an attempt to bring to justice to the lawless west. However, Daniel's methods of policing are in complete contrast to those employed by other US sheriffs and marshals; he cannot ride a horse, does not believe in the use of firearms and has a personality that makes the vast majority of cowboys want to blow his head off - but together with his rough, tough deputies, Murphy Patterson and Moses Carver, they travel to Cactus Ridge to solve the problem of the murder of a young woman who had been a leading figure in the temperance movement.


Robert Hale Fiction




ca. 110





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