Mansfield Park

Jane Austen

Englische Klassiker im Original Klassiker

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Beschreibung zu „Mansfield Park“

Immerse yourself in the world of 19th century England with Jane Austen's beloved classic, "Mansfield Park". Follow the captivating story of Fanny Price, a young girl taken from her humble beginnings and raised by her wealthy relatives at Mansfield Park. As Fanny grows into a young woman, she must navigate the complex social world of Georgian England, where love and money often collide.

With its richly drawn characters, sparkling dialogue, and unforgettable plot, "Mansfield Park" is a captivating tale of love, betrayal, and societal expectations. Fanny's journey is filled with twists and turns, as she faces the challenges of a society that values wealth and status above all else.

At the heart of the story is Fanny's complicated relationship with Edmund Bertram, her cousin and closest friend. As Fanny struggles with her growing feelings for Edmund, she must also contend with the attentions of other suitors, including the charming but rakish Henry Crawford.

As in all of Austen's works, "Mansfield Park" offers keen insights into the complexities of human nature and the challenges of navigating the social world. Through Fanny's experiences, Austen explores themes of love, family, and societal expectations, offering a window into a bygone era that continues to captivate readers today.

First published in 1814, "Mansfield Park" is a timeless classic that has delighted readers for generations. Whether you are a longtime Austen fan or a newcomer to her works, "Mansfield Park" is sure to enchant and transport you to a world of love, drama, and intrigue. So settle in with a cup of tea and lose yourself in this beloved masterpiece.

Über Jane Austen

Jane Austen (1775-1817) wurde in Steventon, Hampshire, geboren und wuchs im elterlichen Pfarrhaus auf. Nach Meinung ihres Bruders führte sie «ein ereignisloses Leben». Sie heiratete nie. Ihre literarische Welt war die des englischen Landadels, deren wohl kaschierte Abgründe sie mit feiner Ironie und Satire entlarvte. Psychologisches Feingefühl und eine lebendige Sprache machen ihre scheinbar konventionellen Liebesgeschichten zu einer spannenden Lektüre. Vor einigen Jahren wurde Jane Austen auch vom Kino wiederentdeckt: «Sinn und Sinnlichkeit» mit Emma Thompson und Kate Winslet gewann 1996 den Golden Globe als bester Film des Jahres und den Oscar für das beste Drehbuch; «Stolz und Vorurteil» mit Keira Kneightley war 2006 für vier Oscars nominiert.

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