Pride and Prejudice

Jane Austen

Englische Klassiker im Original Liebesromane

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Beschreibung zu „Pride and Prejudice“

Enter the world of Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice", a beloved classic that has captivated readers for over two centuries. Set in Georgian England, the novel follows the story of Elizabeth Bennet, a sharp and independent young woman who navigates the complex social landscape of her time in pursuit of true love.

As Elizabeth grapples with the societal expectations placed upon her, she encounters a host of unforgettable characters, from the haughty Mr. Darcy to the charming Mr. Wickham. Along the way, she learns valuable lessons about love, manners, and the importance of staying true to oneself.

With its sparkling wit, unforgettable characters, and timeless themes, "Pride and Prejudice" is a true masterpiece of English literature. First published in 1813, the novel has been enchanting readers ever since, and remains one of the most beloved works of all time.

Austen's deft portrayal of 19th-century England has helped to shape our modern understanding of the period, and her enduring insights into human nature continue to resonate with readers today. Whether you are a newcomer to Austen's works or a lifelong fan, "Pride and Prejudice" is a novel that will delight, entertain, and inspire you.

So join us for a journey into a world of wit, charm, and true love that will leave you breathless. Follow Elizabeth Bennet and her unforgettable cast of characters as they navigate the complexities of Georgian England, and discover for yourself why "Pride and Prejudice" remains one of the most beloved novels of all time.

Über Jane Austen

Jane Austen (1775-1817) wurde in Steventon, Hampshire, geboren und wuchs im elterlichen Pfarrhaus auf. Nach Meinung ihres Bruders führte sie «ein ereignisloses Leben». Sie heiratete nie. Ihre literarische Welt war die des englischen Landadels, deren wohl kaschierte Abgründe sie mit feiner Ironie und Satire entlarvte. Psychologisches Feingefühl und eine lebendige Sprache machen ihre scheinbar konventionellen Liebesgeschichten zu einer spannenden Lektüre. Vor einigen Jahren wurde Jane Austen auch vom Kino wiederentdeckt: «Sinn und Sinnlichkeit» mit Emma Thompson und Kate Winslet gewann 1996 den Golden Globe als bester Film des Jahres und den Oscar für das beste Drehbuch; «Stolz und Vorurteil» mit Keira Kneightley war 2006 für vier Oscars nominiert.

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