THE WINNING CLUE (Detective Novel Classic)

A Detective Novel

James Hay

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Beschreibung zu „THE WINNING CLUE (Detective Novel Classic)“

Enid Withers is found dead and amateur detective Lawrence Bristow takes up on a challenge to solve the mystery of her murder. But after hitting few dead ends, Bristow is joined by a professional investigator Samuel Braceway. Both have their unique ways and different theories, and believe the other one is on the wrong trail. The winning clue will lead them to solution. James Hay, Jr. (1881–1936) was American novelist and journalist, born in Harrisonburg, Virginia. Most of his books are crime mysteries and detective stories, some of which are set in Asheville, place where he spent part of his life, and worked as an editor in the Asheville Citizen magazine. Some of his other detective novels have their settings in Washington, where Hay spent his final years. Hay was the founder of the National Press Club, and had friendly relations with presidents Wilson and Taft.


Musaicum Books




ca. 203





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