Home Pastimes; or Tableaux Vivants

James H. Head

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Beschreibung zu „Home Pastimes; or Tableaux Vivants“

In 'Home Pastimes; or Tableaux Vivants' by James H. Head, readers are introduced to a collection of intricate and thought-provoking tableaux vivants, also known as living pictures, that explore themes of domestic life and societal norms in the 19th century. Through vivid descriptions and intricate details, Head takes the reader on a journey through various scenes that reflect the complexities of human relationships and emotions. The literary style is rich in detail, reminiscent of the Victorian era, and offers a unique perspective on the cultural values of the time. This book is a valuable contribution to the genre of tableaux vivants, shedding light on the art form's significance in historical and literary contexts. James H. Head's meticulous attention to detail and profound understanding of human nature shine through in this captivating collection. His background in art and literature serves as a foundation for the creation of these profound tableaux vivants, making this book a must-read for enthusiasts of 19th-century literature and art history.


Good Press




ca. 193





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