An Ideal Kitchen

Miss Parloa's Kitchen Companion

Maria Parloa

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Beschreibung zu „An Ideal Kitchen“

How few people who build houses give proper attention to the plan and construction of the kitchen! Pains may be taken to have the exterior of the building attractive, the halls broad, the parlors spacious and finely finished, the dining-room bright and inviting, the chambers airy and sunny, but the plan of the kitchen generally receives much less thought than its importance deserves. The aim of this book is to show how a model kitchen may be arranged; and although few people may adopt the recommendations as a whole, it is hoped that every reader may find some suggestions of value, to be followed whether the house be already built or yet to be erected. (Maria Parloa, An Ideal Kitchen: Miss Parloa's Kitchen Companion)


Musaicum Books




ca. 14





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