JACK LONDON - The Adventurer, The Author, The Man

Collected Memoirs, Autobiographical Novels & Essays (Illustrated) - Including The Road, Martin Eden, The Mutiny of the Elsinore, The Human Drift, The Cruise of the Snark, John Barleycorn & The People of the Abyss

Jack London

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Beschreibung zu „JACK LONDON - The Adventurer, The Author, The Man“

Jack London: an American novelist, journalist, railroad hobo, gold prospector, sailor, poet, socialist, an oyster pirate, war correspondent, alcoholic, a rancher… This collection is trying to uncover who was this incredible charismatic author, what hides behind the adventurous life anecdotes he wrote about, what were his convictions, dreams and what were his darkest hours.
"The Road" is London's account of London's experiences as a hobo in the 1890s, during the worst economic depression the United States had experienced up to that time.
"The Cruise of the Snark" chronicles London's sailing adventure in 1907 across the south Pacific in his ketch the Snark. Accompanying London on this voyage was his wife Charmian London and a small crew.
"John Barleycorn" is an autobiographical account of Jack London dealing with his enjoyment of drinking and struggles with alcoholism.
"The People of the Abyss" describes London's experiences about life in the East End of London in 1902. He wrote this first-hand account after living in the East End for several months, sometimes staying in workhouses or sleeping on the streets.
"Martin Eden" is a novel about a young proletarian autodidact, former sailor, struggling to become a writer. Eden is a semi-autobiographical character, based on London himself.
"The Mutiny of the Elsinore" - After death of the captain, the crew of a ship split between the two senior surviving mates. The novel is based on London's voyage around Cape Horn on the Dirigo.
Short Stories:
Tales of the Fish Patrol - As a 16 year old man, Jack London became a member of the California Fish Patrol. These are the stories drawn from his experiences in catching fish poachers.
The Human Drift is a collection of short sketches, stories and essays, mostly concerning sailing and London's love for sea.
Through The Rapids on the Way to the Klondike
From Dawson to the Sea
Our Adventures in Tampico…

Über Jack London

Jack London nació en San Francisco en 1876, hijo ilegítimo de un astrólogo ambulante que pronto los abandonaría a él y a su madre, una joven «huida» de una acomodada familia de Ohio. Poco después de dar a luz, la madre se casó con John London, carpintero y vigilante jurado entre otros oficios, de quien el hijo tomaría el apellido. Jack dejó el colegio a los trece años, y desde entonces hasta los veintisiete, edad en la que se consagraría como escritor, su juventud fue inquieta y agitada: sus biógrafos y él mismo convertirían en leyenda sus múltiples trabajos y vagabundeos, de ladrón de ostras a buscador de oro en Alaska, así como su visionaria vocación política, formalizada con su ingreso en 1896 en el Partido Socialista de los Tra-bajadores. En 1903 publicó un reportaje sobre el proletariado del East End londinense, Gente del abismo, y La llamada de la selva, que le lanzó a la fama. Su experiencia marinera fue la base de El lobo de mar (1904), otro gran éxito, y a partir de entonces publicó asiduamente narrativa y ensayos, pronunció conferencias por todo el mundo y emprendió nuevos viajes. De uno de ellos nació un ciclo sobre los Mares del Sur, al que pertenecen los cuentos de La casa del orgullo (1909; ALBA CLÁSICA núm. ). Son de especial interés sus textos autobiográficos, la novela Martin Eden (1909) y las «memorias alcohólicas» de John Barleycorn (1913). London murió de una sobredosis de morfina y atropina en su rancho californiano, en 1916.

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