The Tragedy of Ida Noble

William Clark Russell

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Beschreibung zu „The Tragedy of Ida Noble“

William Clark Russell's 'The Tragedy of Ida Noble' is a tragic tale filled with elements of romance, mystery, and betrayal. Set in the late 19th century, the novel explores the complexities of social class, morality, and the limitations placed on women during this time period. The narrative is intricately woven with vivid descriptions and poignant dialogue, making it a compelling read for lovers of classic literature. Russell's storytelling prowess shines through in his attention to detail and character development, creating a world that feels both distant and familiar to modern readers. The themes of love, sacrifice, and societal norms are expertly explored, making 'The Tragedy of Ida Noble' a timeless work of fiction. William Clark Russell's background as a sailor and journalist likely influenced his ability to craft such a captivating story, drawing on his experiences to create a narrative that is both engaging and thought-provoking. I highly recommend 'The Tragedy of Ida Noble' to anyone seeking a beautifully written novel that delves into the complexities of human emotion and societal expectations.


Good Press




ca. 171





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