A Second Book of Operas

Henry Edward Krehbiel

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Beschreibung zu „A Second Book of Operas“

Henry Edward Krehbiel's 'A Second Book of Operas' delves into the intricacies of various operas, providing detailed analyses of their compositions, narratives, and cultural significance. Written in a scholarly yet accessible style, Krehbiel's book serves as a valuable resource for both opera enthusiasts and students of music and literature. The book explores a wide range of operas, offering insightful commentary on their themes, characters, and historical context. Krehbiel's in-depth examination sheds light on the evolving nature of opera as an art form and its enduring impact on society. Drawing on his extensive knowledge of music and theater, Krehbiel presents a comprehensive study that appeals to readers with a keen interest in the performing arts. As a respected music critic and historian, Krehbiel brings a unique perspective to the analysis of operatic works, enriching the reader's understanding and appreciation of this complex and enchanting genre. 'A Second Book of Operas' is a must-read for anyone seeking a deeper insight into the world of opera and its timeless allure.


Good Press




ca. 164





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