A Book of Operas: Their Histories, Their Plots, and Their Music

Henry Edward Krehbiel

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Beschreibung zu „A Book of Operas: Their Histories, Their Plots, and Their Music“

In 'A Book of Operas: Their Histories, Their Plots, and Their Music' by Henry Edward Krehbiel, readers are treated to a comprehensive guide to the world of opera. Krehbiel meticulously dissects the histories, plots, and music of various operas, providing insightful analysis and detailed background information. Written in a scholarly yet accessible style, this book serves as a valuable resource for opera enthusiasts and scholars alike, offering a deeper understanding of the art form's evolution and significance within the realm of classical music. Krehbiel's literary context as a music critic and historian shines through in his thorough examination of each opera's cultural and musical impact, making this book a must-read for anyone interested in exploring the rich tapestry of operatic works. Henry Edward Krehbiel's profound knowledge and passion for opera are evident in this meticulously researched and thoughtfully presented book, making it a definitive guide for opera lovers and music aficionados alike.


Good Press




ca. 241





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