The Copperhead

Harold Frederic

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Beschreibung zu „The Copperhead“

Harold Frederic's novel, 'The Copperhead,' delves deep into the complexities of an individual torn between loyalty to his country and his family during the American Civil War. Written in a realistic style, Frederic captures the moral dilemmas faced by his protagonist, who is labeled a 'Copperhead' for his anti-war beliefs. The novel touches upon themes of patriotism, family, and the harsh realities of war, providing a thought-provoking insight into the turbulent times of the 1860s. Frederic's attention to detail and historical accuracy bring the setting to life, immersing readers in the turmoil of the Civil War era. Harold Frederic, a journalist and novelist, drew inspiration for 'The Copperhead' from his own experiences covering the Civil War. His background in reporting on the conflict lends authenticity to the novel, making it a compelling read for history enthusiasts and fiction lovers alike. Frederic's nuanced understanding of the period shines through in his impactful storytelling and character development. For readers interested in exploring the moral complexities of the Civil War through a character-driven narrative, 'The Copperhead' is a must-read. Frederic's insightful portrayal of the human experience in times of conflict makes this novel a timeless classic worth delving into.


Good Press




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