First harvests : An episode in the life of Mrs. Levison Gower : A satire without a moral

Frederic Jesup Stimson

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Beschreibung zu „First harvests : An episode in the life of Mrs. Levison Gower : A satire without a moral“

In 'First Harvests: An Episode in the Life of Mrs. Levison Gower: A Satire Without a Moral', Frederic Jesup Stimson delivers a sharp and witty critique of the societal norms and values of the late 19th century. Through his satirical lens, Stimson explores the themes of class, gender roles, and hypocrisy. The book is written in a playful and ironic tone, using exaggerated situations and characters to convey its message. Stimson's keen observations and biting humor make this work a valuable piece in the historical context of American literature. With its clever wordplay and social commentary, 'First Harvests' is a captivating read for those interested in satire and social critique. Frederic Jesup Stimson, a renowned lawyer and author, drew inspiration from his own experiences with societal interactions to create this thought-provoking and entertaining novel. His unique perspective and insightful commentary shine through in this work, making it a must-read for fans of sharp satire and keen social commentary.


Good Press




ca. 351





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