The Lieutenant-Governor

A Novel

Guy Wetmore Carryl

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Beschreibung zu „The Lieutenant-Governor“

Guy Wetmore Carryl's book, 'The Lieutenant-Governor,' is a satirical novel that takes a humorous look at political corruption and bureaucracy in the early 20th century. Through witty prose and clever wordplay, Carryl exposes the absurdity of power dynamics and the folly of ambition. The book is a prime example of American literary humor, drawing parallels to the works of Mark Twain and Ambrose Bierce. Carryl's use of language and satire elevates 'The Lieutenant-Governor' to a unique position in the realm of political fiction, making it a timeless and entertaining read for those interested in social commentary and wit. Guy Wetmore Carryl, known for his ability to blend humor with insightful commentary, was a well-respected writer and poet in his time. His background in journalism and his keen observations of society likely influenced the creation of 'The Lieutenant-Governor.' Fans of political satire and comedic literature will find 'The Lieutenant-Governor' to be a delightful and thought-provoking read that sheds light on the follies of governance and human nature.


Good Press




ca. 130





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