The Bad Boy at Home, and His Experiences in Trying to Become an Editor


Metta Victoria Fuller Victor

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Beschreibung zu „The Bad Boy at Home, and His Experiences in Trying to Become an Editor“

In 'The Bad Boy at Home, and His Experiences in Trying to Become an Editor', Metta Victoria Fuller Victor delves into the struggles and aspirations of a young man attempting to break into the world of editing during the 19th century. The book offers a unique blend of humor, wit, and social commentary, making it a captivating read for those interested in the literary scene of that time. Victor's narrative style is both engaging and thought-provoking, allowing readers to delve into the complexities of social norms and personal ambitions. The book is a prime example of early American fiction, shedding light on the challenges faced by individuals seeking to pursue unconventional careers. With its sharp insights and entertaining storytelling, 'The Bad Boy at Home, and His Experiences in Trying to Become an Editor' remains a relevant and engaging read for modern readers interested in literary history and societal expectations.


Good Press




ca. 63





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