Adventures in American Bookshops, Antique Stores and Auction Rooms

Guido Bruno

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Beschreibung zu „Adventures in American Bookshops, Antique Stores and Auction Rooms“

In his book, 'Adventures in American Bookshops, Antique Stores and Auction Rooms,' Guido Bruno takes readers on a literary journey through the world of rare and antique books. Written in a charming and informative style, the book not only provides a glimpse into the author's personal experiences but also delves into the history and significance of bookshops, antique stores, and auction rooms in America. Through vivid descriptions and insightful commentary, Bruno captures the essence of a bygone era when bookselling was as much an art as it was a trade. This literary work is a must-read for book lovers and history enthusiasts alike, offering a unique perspective on the world of collecting and preserving rare books. Guido Bruno's meticulous research and passion for the subject shine through in every page, making this book a valuable addition to any bibliophile's collection.


Good Press




ca. 112





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