Grocers' Goods

A Family Guide to the Purchase of Flour, Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Spices, Canned Goods, Cigars, Wines, and All Other Articles Usually Found in American Grocery Stores

Frederick B. Goddard

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Beschreibung zu „Grocers' Goods“

In 'Grocers' Goods' by Frederick B. Goddard, the reader is taken on a literary journey through the bustling world of a small-town grocery store. Goddard's descriptive prose and attention to detail brings to life the sights, sounds, and smells of the store, immersing the reader in a unique setting. The dialogue between the various characters provides insight into the daily trials and tribulations of running a small business, as well as shedding light on the intricacies of human relationships. The book's realistic portrayal of everyday life and its vivid imagery make it a captivating read. 'Grocers' Goods' can be categorized as a piece of literary realism, drawing inspiration from the author's own experiences working in a family-owned grocery store. Goddard's firsthand knowledge of the subject matter lends authenticity to the narrative, making it a compelling and engaging read. I highly recommend 'Grocers' Goods' to readers who enjoy character-driven stories set in a vividly depicted world.


Good Press




ca. 64





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