County and Town in England Together with some Annals of Churnside

Grant Allen

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Beschreibung zu „County and Town in England Together with some Annals of Churnside“

Grant Allen's 'County and Town in England Together with some Annals of Churnside' is a captivating exploration of English rural life and the dynamics between county and town. Written in a straightforward and descriptive style, the book offers vivid depictions of the landscape, customs, and quirks of the English countryside, providing a rich literary context of the time period. Allen's attention to detail and ability to evoke a sense of place make this work a valuable resource for understanding the social fabric of Victorian England. Grant Allen, a prolific writer and naturalist, drew inspiration for this book from his own observations and research of English rural communities. His background in science and keen interest in the intersection of nature and society shine through in the meticulous descriptions found within the pages of 'County and Town in England', showcasing his multidisciplinary approach to literature. I recommend 'County and Town in England Together with some Annals of Churnside' to readers interested in historical and sociological studies, as well as to those who appreciate detailed and immersive depictions of rural life in Victorian England. Grant Allen's unparalleled storytelling and unique perspective make this book a must-read for anyone curious about the intricacies of English society.


Good Press




ca. 258





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