What Timmy Did

Marie Belloc Lowndes

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Beschreibung zu „What Timmy Did“

Marie Belloc Lowndes' 'What Timmy Did' is a compelling psychological thriller that weaves together themes of family dynamics, morality, and the consequences of secrecy. Written in the early 20th century, Lowndes' literary style is characterized by its atmospheric tension and exploration of the darker aspects of human nature. The novel's suspenseful plot and intricate character development make it a captivating read, drawing readers into a world where innocence is tangled with deception. 'What Timmy Did' reflects the era's fascination with exploring the complexities of the human psyche and the consequences of hidden truths. Through the lens of a mysterious disappearance, Lowndes delves into the intricate web of relationships and the impact of guilt on individuals and families. With its insightful commentary on human behavior and moral dilemmas, 'What Timmy Did' is a timeless classic that continues to resonate with readers today.


Good Press




ca. 262





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