Stories of a married man

Flying South

Gonzalo Narvreón

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Beschreibung zu „Stories of a married man“

"Flying South" is the first book in the saga called "STORIES OF A MARRIED MAN." In the first person, the protagonist tells his experiences while a long work trip in Patagonia, in which unexpected relationships of companionship, friendship, and sex are intertwined, unmasking and letting the most hidden repressed desires emerge own and those of others.

Gonzalo immerses us into the more profound and primitive instincts of human sexuality. Walking through situations inside and outside of his marriage, he exposed his experiences exploring his bisexuality, leading us to travel the roads he dares to take, without any obstacles or inhibitions.

Intending to not weakening the story's wild character, the author uses the habitual and vulgar language that men use when speaking or being immersed in sexual situations beyond cultural, economic, or social conditions.


Editorial Bubok Publishing




ca. 206





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